The Cooperative and Automated Vehicle Initiative (CAVI) is being delivered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads to help prepare for the arrival of new vehicle technologies with safety, mobility and environmental benefits on Queensland roads.
CAVI will lay the technical foundations for the next generation of smart transport infrastructure.
CAVI consists of 4 components:
(1) Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot—the largest cooperative intelligent transport systems trial in Australia, testing connected vehicles, infrastructure and cloud systems.
(2) Cooperative and Highly Automated Driving (CHAD) Pilot—testing a small number of vehicles with cooperative and automated technologies.
(3) Vulnerable road user pilot—a project looking at how new technology applications can benefit vulnerable road user safety including pedestrians, motorcycle riders and bicycle riders.
(4) Change management—a process for the Department of Transport and Main Roads to consider the change of current business and practices for a road manager.
CAVI is testing cooperative and automated vehicle technologies that make roads safer and contributing towards our vision of zero road deaths and serious injuries on the state’s roads.
Project objectives
(1) Validate the impacts and benefits, and user perceptions
(2) Demonstrate technologies and build public awareness and uptake
(3) Grow the Department of Transport and Main Roads technical and organisational readiness
(4) Encourage partnerships and build capability in private and public sectors
Project outcomes
(1) Government and local industry representatives are up-skilled in deployment and operations
(2) New industry partnerships for services are formed and tested
(3) Current understanding of government direction/actions to support deployment are captured in a road map
(4) Safety benefits are estimated, and public perceptions are validated through on-road testing
(5) Public awareness is increased
(6) A testbed for use by government, industry and academia is available after the pilot