Smart Jobs & Consumers

SJ-1.2 Energy Efficiency Training Resources

Climate Change, Energy Transition & Transformative Training

Purpose of this curriculum:

In response to the plan laid out by the State Council of China in 2002 to the plant-grid separation in the Electric Power Industry Restructuring Plan, the State Power Corporation of China underwent a restructuring. This led to the establishment of two power grid companies and five major generation companies that generated power mainly by traditional energy sources such as thermal power and hydropower.

As climate change propels the shift towards cleaner energy sources, State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC), one of China’s five major generation companies, has made significant progress in the realm of clean energy over the past eight years. Within this changing landscape, employees in traditional energy sectors are encountering the urgent need to update their understanding of new energy developments. To tackle this challenge head-on, SPIC has established an online learning platform accessible to all its employees. Additionally, SPIC has collaborated with industry experts to craft nearly 6,000 training courses covering topics such as new energy, Smart Energy Prosumer (SEP), smart plant, as well as international cooperation and cross-cultural communication.

Apart from online training, the “Human Resources for New Start” offline training campaign including offshore wind power, SEP and smart plant courses has trained over 10,000 management personnel, engineers and technicians for the new energy development of SPIC. In addition, specialized training initiatives dedicated to Chinese middle and senior-level talents for our international cooperation, and local employees in countries and regions where the foreign projects operate, have ensured well-equipped talents for SPIC’s energy business across 20 countries and regions spanning Asia, America, Australia, and Europe.

The combination of online and offline training, simulated exercises, case studies, shadowing experiences, and skill competitions has resulted in an effective training outcome like never before.

As a famous Chinese proverb goes, “If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want one hundred years of prosperity, then grow people.” Smart jobs and consumers will significantly influence and alter the future.

Assessment Method:

1. SPIC’s Dubhe One Integrated Smart Energy Management and Service Platform (a patented intelligent system developed by SPIC);

2. General Rules for Smart Energy Prosumers (the first SEP-related standard in China);

3. SPIC’s 3D offshore wind power simulation system;

4. National and industrial simulation training standards:

1) SPIC led the formulation of two national occupational standards in 2018, namely the Specification on Skill Appraisal of Boiler Equipment Inspectors, and the Specification on Sill Appraisal of Fuel Laboratory Technicians in Thermal Power Generation Enterprises.

2) SPIC drafted the industrial standard in 2021, namely the Standard on Skill Assessment of Photovoltaic Generation Operation and Maintenance Personnel.

Programs for Implementing the Curriculum:

1. “Human Resources for New Start” Training Campaign, including offshore wind power training program and smart energy prosumer training program.
2. Smart Plant Training Program.
3. International Talents Training Program, including training program for middle and senior level managers dealing with international cooperation and overseas local talents, South Africa
civil nuclear energy training program, Vietnam Vinh Tan thermal power prospective operator training program, non-profit education projects.
4. Scientific and Technological Innovation Training Program.
5. Work Safety Training Program
6. High-skilled Talents Training Program
7. Online training sessions

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