Balikpapan City has established its Smart City Masterplan. As a form of the Balikpapan City Government’s commitment to the development and development of a smart city, the city government is accelerating and synergizing the implementation of a smart city according to the RPJMD in the city of Balikpapan.
The smart city master plan consists of six pillars, first bureaucratic governance, Smart Government; regional marketing, Smart Branding; economy, Smart Economy; environment, Smart Environment; settlements, Smart Living; and community environment, Smart Society.
Strategic issues that are expected to get the attention of all parties, especially in the implementation of smart cities. Namely, the Smart City Masterplan for all OPD heads must be integrated with the Balikpapan City Strategic Plan and RPJMD for 2021-2026.
Each regional apparatus must proactively report the smart city master plan that has been implemented as well as innovation plans, smart city implementation, and those that will be implemented to Balikpapan City.
Besides, Balikpapan City also accelerates low emission development through a Pilot Project on Methane Gas Capture. As an ongoing city effort towards an urban low emission pathway, Balikpapan successfully presented their proposal titled “Optimization of the Methane Gas Utilization at Manggar Sanitary Landfill” to the ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability Southeast Asia Secretariat, winning a pilot project grant of up to EUR 10,000 in 2020.
The pilot project aimed to reduce methane gas flaring at Manggar Sanitary Landfill and improve resource circulation by providing the 50-household beneficiaries near the landfill with biogas they can use for cooking. The city consulted with PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (a state-owned oil company) for the design, development, and safety measures of the biogas solution.
Balikpapan City Accelerates Low Emission Development through a Pilot Project on Methane Gas Capture