Smart Grids

SG-2.2 Smart Grid Demonstration Projects

Advanced Digital Solutions Demonstration Project

NEDO and Marubeni Co., Ltd. have led advanced projects such as AI / big data analysis at Maemo Thermal Power Station Units 11 and 13 (300 MW each) as a private-sector-led low-carbon technology promotion project operated by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). In March 2021, the project started demonstration operation for optimizing thermal efficiency such as improving boiler efficiency and introducing a system to detect signs of equipment abnormalities such as boilers by utilizing various digital solutions.

Through this demonstration project, NEDO will improve the thermal efficiency of the entire power plant and improve the reliability of power generation equipment, and aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving fuel consumption. At the same time, NEDO will quantify and disseminate information on the greenhouse gas emission reduction effect of the bilateral credit system (JCM).


Contents of the demonstration project

[1] Demonstration site

Site company: Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

Implementation site: Maemo Thermal Power Station Units 11 and 13 (300 MW each)

[2] Business period

January 2020-February 2023

Future plans

This demonstration project will be carried out until the end of February 2023, and the effects of the introduced digital solutions will be verified, including the quantification of greenhouse gas emission reduction effects. In addition, based on the verification results, we will promote the spread and development of solution technologies related to Thailand and other ASEAN countries, and contribute to environmental consideration and global warming countermeasures in the target areas.

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