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Energy Working Group 47th Meeting

The APEC EWG met in Kunming, China for the 47th meeting and featured “representatives from 21 member economies along with three other international organizations [all of whom] discussed the low-carbon economy.

Participants involved proposed to continuously push communication and cooperation in the areas of energy policy, energy-market reform, and new and renewable energy development.

Dr Phyllis Genther Yoshida, executive president of APEC’s Energy Working Group, made opening remarks.

The remarks were followed by a representative of China’s National Energy Administration, who gave an overview of efforts APEC has been made so far in energy utility and cooperation. The official said that the organization has promoted cooperation with its member states in the areas of energy policy, supply, and new and renewable energy.

The speaker went on to say that it is of great importance for the Chinese government to have further cooperation with member countries under APEC’s framework. The government is seeking to adopt an outward energy policy to fulfill the needs of its open economy. The energy official also introduced the blueprint for China’s energy production to the audience.

Deputy governor of Yunnan province, He Duanqi, concluded the opening ceremony by sharing the experience of developing new and renewable energy in the province. He said that Yunnan is seeking to build up a green economy, which calls for deepening cooperation with South and Southeast Asian neighbors in the fields of energy exploration, environment protection and low-carbon development.

After the meeting, participants took a field trip to Chenggong district of Kunming city, a pilot region for the development of low-carbon economy.”

Find the China-South Asia Expo write-up here.

The meeting also highlighted the release of the first Low-carbon Demonstration Town Indicator System (LCDTIS) by the Yujiapu (YJP) Financial Distric in Tianjin, China, the first APEC Low-carbon Demonstration Town (LCDT).

“Trusted and approved by all APEC members, the YJP LCDTIS not only provides guidance to low-carbon development in YJP, but also indicates that YJP financial district is progressing steadily. Moreover, it provides fundamental support for the overall implementation of LCDT…”

Find the PR Newswire story here.


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