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Energy Working Group 46th Meeting

The 46th Meeting of the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG46) was held at the Furama Resport in Da Nang, Vietnam on 18-21 of November, 2013.

“APEC economies are stepping up their joint efforts to improve their energy policies amid landmark shifts in global production and rising demand that is intensifying pressure on growth and the environment.

Strengthening energy efficiency and promoting low-carbon energy supply was the focus of a four-day gathering of APEC energy officials that concluded on Thursday in Da Nang. This included welcoming Da Nang into a city-level clean energy and low carbon scheme whose development was billed as a priority heading into 2014 when China will chair APEC.

APEC economies as a whole account for around 60 percent of global energy demand and are net energy importers. Their consumption of primary energy, which is all energy, including fuels, for electricity generation, is expected to grow by 40 percent between 2010 and 2035, according to the Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center.” – APEC Energy Working Group (Click here for the full press release)

1. Opening Addresses and Adoption of the Agenda

a. Opening Addresses (Lead Shepherd, Co-chair)
b. Adoption of the Agenda (Members)

2. Energy Working Group Management and Direction

a. APEC Secretariat Report
b. APERC President’s Report

3. Five Year Strategic Plan Discussion

4. EWG Project Funding 2013 – Procedural Issues

a. Members and Expert Group/Task Force Chairs present new proposals
b. Members to consider and endorse any new self-funded EWG projects

5. Policy Dialogue

a. Dialogue Topic: TPTWG/EWG collaboration
b. Discussion of a topic for EWG47 (Members)

6. Statements on Notable Energy Developments since EWG45

7. Progress on APEC Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI)

a. Progress report including project highlights (Knowledge Sharing Platform) (Chinese Taipei)
b. Progress report on Low-Carbon Model Town Task Force (Japan)

8. Short-Term ESI Measures

a. EGEDA’s Activity including Joint Organization Data Initiative
(JODI Oil, JODI Gas) Report of progress
b. APEC Emergency Stocks
Report of progress (Japan)
c. Energy Emergency Response
Report on emergency response arrangement in host economy
d. Other

Long-Term ESI Measures
9. Energy Trade and Investment

a. Report of Energy Trade and Investment Task Force
b. Cooperation with Subcommittee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) to promote trade in energy-related environmental goods (Members)

10. Energy Efficiency

a. Progress report including project highlights (EGEEC)
b. Reports on Peer Review of Energy Efficiency (PREE) and Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) activities (APERC)
c. Report on Collaborative Assessments of Standards and Testing (CAST), Strengthening APEC Energy Standards Information System (New Zealand)
d. Progress toward Energy Intensity Reduction Goal (APERC)
e. Discussion of next steps to support energy efficiency initiatives (members)
f. Cooperation with other fora

11. New and Renewable Energy

a. Progress report including project highlights (EGNRET)
b. Progress report on APEC Smart Grid Initiative – ASGI (United States)
c. Report on Peer Review Report and Low Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE) (APERC)
d. Proposed Asia Pacific Forum on Clean and Renewable Energy Society
e. Cooperation with other fora

12. Clean Fossil Energy

a. Progress report including project highlights (EGCFE)
b. Presentation and Discussion on Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reduction Guidelines
c. Call for Peer Review Volunteers
d. Cooperation with other fora

13. Other Long-Term Measures

a. Nuclear Energy
Report on any developments (members)
b. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Report on any developments (members)
c. Alternative Transport Fuels
Report on any developments (members)
d. Methane Hydrates
Report on any developments (members)
e. Critical Energy Infrastructure
Report on any developments (members)
f. Oil & Gas
Report on any developments (members)
g. Natural Gas
Report on any developments (members)

14. Concluding Business (EWG Secretariat)

a. Dates and Location of Next Meeting (China)
b. Summary
c. Other Business