E-Learning Course: TRACE: How to Use the Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy


This course, developed jointly by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and WBI Climate Change Practice, describes a process for offering cities a quick and easy way to assess their energy efficiency and identify sectors with the most improvement potential.

The TRACE city energy efficiency diagnostic tool is used to benchmark city energy use, prioritize sectors with significant energy savings potential, and identify appropriate energy efficiency interventions across six service areas—transport, buildings, water and waste water, public lighting, solid waste, and power and heat. TRACE is a simple, low-cost, user-friendly and practical tool that can be applied in any socioeconomic setting. 

Learning objectives:

TRACE consists of the following elements:

  • An introduction to the rapid energy efficiency assessment process and how TRACE supports this process.
  • A tour of the TRACE tool that describes its operation and demonstrates its options and features.
  • A case study describing the results of a city energy efficiency evaluation conducted using TRACE.
  • Additional readings that provide detailed background information on the energy assessment process and how to use TRACE.
  • Exercises to help you evaluate your understanding of the energy assessment process and how to use TRACE.

To Register: Kindly note, there is  no fee attached to this e-learning event. Please contact us at cdinakaran@worldbank.org, with the subject line of your mail showing, “TRACE Registration” to receive the instructions on log in and access to the course.

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