Smart Buildings

SB-3.3 Cool Roof Demonstration Projects

Clean Energy Ministerial 2 (CEM2)

At the second Clean Energy Ministerial, held 6–7 April in Abu Dhabi, energy ministers and high-level representatives from the 23 major economy governments of the CEM came together to report on progress in accelerating the transition to clean energy technologies and to plan future activities. Their discussions centered on three themes: smart policies for clean energy supply, smart policies for energy efficiency, and strategic deployment of public finance for clean energy.

The event included four public-private roundtable sessions that brought together energy ministers, government officials, business leaders, and experts from nongovernmental organizations for candid dialogue related to critical clean energy issues. Discussions focused on policies supporting the global scale-up of renewable energy, technologies for energy efficiency, sustainable cities, and regulatory strategies for utility-scale energy efficiency.

During the event, a presentation by the International Energy Agency summarized the status of clean energy deployment and related policies around the world.

The event also included a public forum that highlighted women’s contributions to clean energy and steps that can be taken to prepare, inspire, and connect female leaders in clean energy fields.