Smart Jobs & Consumers   –  Energy Efficiency Training Curricula:

SJ-1.2 Energy Efficiency Training Resources

This course will enable one to:

• Understand the sources and types of energy used in the workplace, community facilities, and homes.

• Identify and address barriers to the adoption of energy efficiency measures.

• Identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency in the workplace and balancing energy demand and supply.

• Develop effective solutions to enhance energy efficiency and productivity.

• Evaluate the business and community benefits associated with different energy efficiency projects.

• Implement energy efficiency measures and initiatives.

• Gain an understanding of energy efficiency product guidelines and interpret them effectively.

• Calculate running costs and project costs for energy efficiency opportunities to establish a comprehensive cost/benefit analysis.

• Utilise financial models such as Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Net Present Value (NPV) for assessing and developing business cases.

• Apply workplace strategies to effectively manage business outcomes and drive energy efficiency.

• Prepare comprehensive reports and effectively communicate energy efficiency recommendations and objectives.

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