Smart Transportation   –  Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network:

ST-1.7 Transportation Demand Management

Smart Transport Strategy for Thailand 4.0 (SmarTran4T4)

The Royal Thai Government has a long-term economic vision called “Thailand 4.0” to shift toward the creation of a value-added economy in the next 20 years. However, traffic congestion in the mega city of Bangkok is not only time-wasting but also likely to drive global warming and environmental destruction, as well as pose a threat to the health of the population. To tackle such problems, using advanced cyber technology, we are developing a “Smart Transport Strategy” in alignment with the aims of Thailand 4.0, to improve quality of life (QOL) and achieve a low-carbon society at the same time.

The Overall Goal

Leap-frog strategy based on the concept of “Smart Transport Strategies” which dually archive the citizens’ Quality of Life (QOL) and low carbon society is disseminated.

Project Purpose

1.A methodology to evaluate the policy packages for realizing the concept of “Smart Transport Strategies” which dually archive the citizens’ Quality of Life (QOL) and low carbon society is developed.

2.”Sukhumvit Model”, a policy package for Sukhumvit area to realize the concept of Smart Transport Strategies, is proposed as an application of the methodology.

What is the “Sukhumvit Model”?

The Sukhumvit Model is an urban experiment initiated as part of Thailand 4.0 to create a value-added economy and benefit people living in cities under the philosophy “No one left behind” in alignment with the SDGs. The model emphasizes the diverse needs of people in relation to their activities and mobility, whether they are young or old, and involves a transport policy to meet such needs, shifting from a traditional either-or approach to roads or railroads. To achieve this, the Sukhumvit Model is designed to allow people to seamlessly choose a suitable transportation mode, such as walking, private mobility, and rail travel, with flexible times and routes, making use of AI.

Focusing on the Sukhumvit Road in central Bangkok, the aim of the project is to propose a policy package involving the Sukhumvit Model to the BMA, which is applicable to other congested cities in Thailand.


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