The United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) has long been a leader in research, development, and evaluation of technologies for transportation and strong supporter of adoption and use of new and innovative technologies—known as intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Through the leadership of the ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) and modal partners, the U.S. DOT has conducted and sponsored pioneering research and development in technology (RD&T) as well as evaluation of each next generation of ITS. This project report serves as the ITS JPO’s strategic plan for 2020 through 2025. The plan describes the vision, mission, strategies, and research goals that will guide the ITS JPO in meeting key RD&T priorities for the Department, as described in the U.S. DOT’s Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 and the corresponding RD&T Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025 offers greater detail and transparency about the role of the ITS JPO in RD&T within the Department.
The ITS JPO’s vision is to accelerate the use of ITS to transform the way society moves. The ITS JPO’s purpose is to spur the development and use of ITS to move people and goods more safely and efficiently. The ITS JPO imagines a future in which citizens and communities can enjoy safe and effortlessly integrated transportation services, and where on-demand and real-time user and data needs are met by a wirelessly interconnected transportation ecosystem. Building on the success in researching and implementing ITS policies and technologies, the ITS JPO has a distinctive vantage point from which to encourage efforts to adapt emerging and future technologies to improve transportation.
The ITS JPO leads collaborative and innovative research, development, and implementation of intelligent transportation systems to improve the safety and mobility of people and goods. Improving safety and mobility for all transportation users means that the ITS JPO engages in a rigorous and comprehensive set of processes to adapt and “translate” ITS technologies and advancements into productive applications for the entire transportation system.