Smart Jobs & Consumers   –  Energy Efficiency School Curricula:

SJ-2.1 Energy Efficiency Educational Programs

UWCSEA: Leadership In Environmental Sustainability

It is the College’s commitment to ensure that environmental stewardship becomes a major part in every child’s education. Gifts make a difference in enhancing our campuses and educating our community on the responsibility they have to conserve and protect the environment. (Source: UWCSEA)

Sustainability is at the heart of UWCSEA’s philosophy on education. From the facilities to its curriculum and student-led projects, the school made a big effort to green all its building and integrate sustainability into everyday life for its 3000 students.

“The definition (of sustainability) is broadly the conservation of resources and making sure that the needs of the next generation are taken care of. We believe that if we educate students this way, they will become better citizens. So, we have to build a school with the least impact," says Simon Thomas, Director of Operations and Facilities at  UWCSEA.

This ethos can be seen in not just the buildings but also in the school’s curriculum.

With the campus as a living laboratory, students are taught how everything in the school, from the water systems to energy efficiency to even safety such as alarm and fire systems, work – so that they get a well-rounded education. They are also encouraged to think critically about everything around them, Thomas says. (Source: Eco-Business)

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