Smart Transportation

ST-3.2 Electromobility Road Map

California has taken several planning actions to prepare for electric vehicle and other zero-emission vehicle deployment in the state. These include the 2013 Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan from the Governor's Office, the 2014 Vehicle-Grid Integration Roadmap from the California Public Utilities Commission, and the 2013 Zero-Emission Vehicles in California: Community Readiness Guide.

The ZEV Action Plan

This action plan outlines significant actions grouped under four broad goals that state government is currently taking or plans to take to help expand the ZEV market. It is intended to serve as a “roadmap” that clearly communicates state government’s efforts to advance ZEVs. It is also intended to serve as a “to-do” list for the Governor’s Office and state agencies that enhances coordination on state actions moving forward. Four broad goals for state government to advance ZEVs:

  1. Complete needed infrastructure and planning
  2. Expand consumer awareness and demand
  3. Transform fleets
  4. Grow jobs and investment in the private sector

Vehicle-Grid Integration Roadmap

This Vehicle-Grid Integration (VGI) Roadmap accomplishes one of the ZEV Action Plan activities—mapping a way to develop solutions that enable electric vehicles (EV) to provide grid services while still meeting consumer driving needs. As the main grid operator for the state, the California
Independent System Operator Corporation (ISO) took the lead in drafting the VGI Roadmap in coordination with the Governor’s Office, the California Energy Commission, the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Air Resources Board. The effort included a comprehensive stakeholder review process to ensure the roadmap captured the ideal course of actions. The intention is to keep consumers in the driver’s seat during the transformation to a cleaner grid by enabling managed EV charging consistent with grid conditions. Eventually, two-way interfaces between EVs and the bulk power network could benefit both EV owners and the grid-at-large.

Zero-Emission Vehicles in California: Community Readiness Guidebook

California communities of all sizes have already taken important actions to accommodate local ZEV usage. Many local governments have facilitated the building of electric vehicle charging stations and hydrogen fueling stations. Some local elected leaders have educated their constituents on the benefits of these types of cars, and building departments have improved permitting to expedite this new infrastructure. This Guidebook showcases many of these actions and shares additional information to help communities become ZEV ready.


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